Get Involved
If you share the same vision with us and you want to contribute to our cause, at PENDA there is room for everyone!
If you represent a legal entity and want to contribute at PENDA, you can do so in one of the following ways:
- Donations: The external donations gathered from companies comprise the largest part of our funds. These funds are allocated as scholarships to student applicants.
Legal benefits:
- Student Jobs: If you have open positions for jobs which can be done by students, we can help you fill those positions by matching the background of student applicants with the requirements of your job offer.
For Individuals
As an individual you can contribute in one of the following ways:
- Donations: As a non-governmental organization the largest portion of our funds is obtained via external donations. These funds are allocated as scholarships to student applicants. If you want to contribute to our cause, please donate.
- Membership: The main driving force behind PENDA are its active members. Joining PENDA as a member is subject to a symbolic membership donation of €100 per year. The funds gathered from the membership donations are allocated to student applicants in form of scholarships, whereas a small portion of the funds is spent on the operational costs of the organization.
- Advocates & Volunteers: The financial contribution aside, PENDA relies on a strong network of people. To grow this network and strengthen its links we need to spread the word and attract more attention, thus, invite more people to join our ranks and support our cause. Additionally, if you think you have skills which can help in the day-to-day operation of the organization feel free to contact us.
- Mentoring: Whether you are a PENDA member or not, you can sign up to our mentoring program. Via the mentoring program, if the intended course of studies of a student applicant matches your background, you can guide the student in their path of studies. This guidance includes helpful suggestions and discussions, and support with finding a fitting University, study program and/or a scholarship.
If any of the roles mentioned above does not fit you, and you have other ideas on how to contribute, feel free to get in touch with us at