Jul7Open call for scholarships for academic year 2024/2025Announcements, ScholarshipsPenda Association for Education invites university students (bachelor and master) and high school…
Jul23Open call for scholarships for academic year 2023/2024Announcements, ScholarshipsPenda Association for Education invites all university students (bachelor and master) and high…
May1Annual Report for 2022Annual RеportDear members, donors and supporters of “Penda” Association, Thanks to your generosity, in…
Jul11Open call for scholarships for academic year 2022/2023Announcements, ScholarshipsPenda Association for Education invites all university students (bachelor and master) and high…
Jun11Annual Report for 2021Annual RеportDear members, donators and supporters of “Penda” Association, Thanks to your generosity, in…
Jul14Open call for scholarships for academic year 2021/2022Announcements, ScholarshipsPenda Association for Education invites all university students (bachelor and master) and high…